
Showing posts from November, 2014

Greek Xmas almond cookies "kourambiedes"

I know... I know... it's too early for Christmas but it seems that this year everyone wants to have them much much earlier. Like my friend Evi that did already " melomakarona " (greek honey biscuits also for Xmas) and sent me photos (thanks!) Actually it's thanks to her that I realized that I miss this recipe from my blog and I have a very good one ;)  That means also that I will work late at night to catch up with my work grrrrr :( Let's concentrate now... " Kourambiedes " are almond biscuits covered with icy sugar and are typical Christmas cookies in Greece. The traditional shape looks like half-moon but I tend to use various Christmas shapes so everyone can choose his favorite form :)  I slow like that family from exterminating everything :))))