Mug cake, pleasure in a cup!

Are you in a diet, are you living alone or simply you are lazy and a big cake is not for you?
Discover the new trend: the MUG cakes!
Made inside a mug and cooked in a microwave oven in only a few minutes you can enjoy a chocolate cake. Sounds too good to be true, no?  And still, it is possible... Have a look for yourself. The result is quite impressive, at least for me. Would I replace my classic chocolate cake? Probably not... but still...

4 spoonfuls of self-raising flour
4 spoonfuls of sugar
1 spoonful of cocoa powder
1 egg
3 spoonfuls of milk
3 spoonfuls of oil or melted butter/margarine
some cinnamon

Mix all the ingredients together.

Pour the batter in 2-3 mugs (in the photos, I have put all the batter in one mug to make the nice effect :) but it is way too much for one mug actually).

Cook in the microwave oven for about 2-3 min depending on how powerful is your oven.

 Decorate according to the occasion... here the birthday of this blog :)


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