Thursday, January 15, 2015

Evi's cake!

Let's start 2015 with a recipe that a dear friend Evi sent to me. Evi with Natalia (if I remember well :) tried this recipe, liked it and sent to me photos from the result yesterday to publish in my blog. Evi says that it's a tasty one and worth to try it but I am very busy right now so until I will give you my personal opinion here's the recipe in case that you are anxious to try for yourselves (send me photos if it's the case). Please Evi comment this post and give more information directly :) 
Thanks for sharing girls!
Btw, looking for this recipe I came across with Nanaimo bar recipe that I would definitely would like to try!!! Google it and see what I mean *slourp* 


2 boxes of biscuits "petit-beurre" or similar
200ml of milk

For the white cream:
800ml milk
80gr semolina
4 spoonfulls of sugar
4 egg whites+4 spoonfulls of sugar
For the yellow cream:
1lt of milk
80gr custard powder
7 spoonfulls of sugar
4 egg yolks
80gr butter

For decoration:

For the white cream: 
You boil all the ingredients (apart from the last ones) for 10min in medium fire and stir vigorously. You whisk the egg whites with the sugar in a thick marengue and you add at the end to the mixture and stir well. You take out of the fire and you let it cool.

For the yellow cream:
You boil the milk apart from some small quantity in which you mix well the rest of the ingredients (leave the butter) and pour it eventually to the boiling milk. You stir vigorously until it starts to thicken. Take it out of the fire and add the butter and mix and melt completely and homogeneously. Leave it to cool.

Start building your cake making:
  1. a layer with biscuits that you dip in some milk  
  2. a layer with the white cream
  3. a layer again with biscuits dampen with milk
  4. a layer with the yellow cream
  5. a layer with biscuits that you will break
  6. Chantilly decoration (according to your style :)
You put it to the fridge to cool for a few hours... Have a closer look to the result:

P.S: I did my best given my heavy program to translate the recipe, correct some mistakes and adapt, but please Evi give us feedback from your experience, ok? 

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