Thursday, January 5, 2017

Homemade all-purpose cleaner

What best to start the year than a recipe for a natural cleaner that apart from being natural thus environment-friendly, is fast, simple and cheap ?
Not to mention that might work better than store brands.
Your kids can make it easily too and use it, how about that???
Here it goes...

1.5 table spoons of baking soda
1 table spoon of white vinegar
1.5 table spoons of liquid castille soap
warm water
6 drops of essential oils like lemon or lavender (optionally, I do not use them and use with care only if you know how !)

1.5 lt bottle (water bottle might do, but glass opaque recipients are better)
table spoon
a glass

Procedure (respect the order!)
  1.  Pour the soda in the bottle
  2. Add some warm water and mix well
  3. In the glass, mix well the vinegar with the essential oil of your choice or simply pour the vinegar in the bottle (in case that you do not want to use oils) and shake well
  4. Add the soap
  5. Fill the bottle with warm water, cover it and shake once again well

Store in a dark place. Shake well before each use. Use it as is to clean surfaces such as shower, water-basin, table, etc or diluted to clean the floor (approximately 1 cup in one lt of warm water). No need to wash it out. 

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