Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Zucchini and feta tarte

Here's a simple, light and tasty tarte for summer dinners...

2 medium zucchinis grated
1 onion minced
salt, pepper
2 spoons of frying oil (e.g., sunflower oil)
3 eggs
50cl of milk
250 gr feta cheese (smashed)
100 gr hard cheese grated (here I have used italian provolone)
1 round ready-made puff pastry


  1. Peel off the zucchinis and grate them.
  2. Fry slightly the grated zucchini with the onion until it is quite smooth and most of it's water is evaporated. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Beat the eggs, add all the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Lay the puff pastry in an tarte recipient for the oven (butter it or use the special baking paper).
  5. Empty the mix in the pastry and layer it with a spoon.
  6. Bake at 180 degrees and fan for about 20min or until it gets a nice golden color.
  7. Serve it with some tzatziki sauce and finish with a fresh fruits salad. Enjoy!

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