Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter eggs

In several countries there is a custom to color the eggs for Easter. In Greece, where I come from, traditionally we color the eggs in red (representing the blood of Christ).
There is an interesting technique that I will try to show you today that uses leaves and flowers to make nice shapes in the eggs. I have learned it from my mother that is an expert.

The ones that I will show you here have been made from my kids. Actually, it is an amazing activity to do with kids. We were in an extreme hurry, though, as we had to attend a school show that one of my kids would participate, so do not be too hard on your criticism :)
Actually, I am proud for my kids as it needs quite some dexterity to make them...
eggs (as many as you like and preferably white ones)
250ml vinegar
some olive oil
leaves and flowers from your garden or the countryside (that have a nice shape)
egg coloring
old stockings (washed and dried :)
white thread

Boil the eggs for about 8min. Leave them to cool down and then clean them with some vinegar and kitchen paper.
Cut the stockings in approximately 10cm parts.

Prepare the decoration by adding leaves and flowers around each egg and use the stocking parts to cover tight the egg.
Tight the thread around the stocking as shown in the photos.

Color the eggs according the instructions of the bought coloring.When the time of the coloring has elapsed, take the eggs out and let them dry.

Cut the stockings and shine the eggs using kitchen paper and olive oil.
Admire the result!
And what do we do with those eggs?
After the resurrection, we get each one an egg and hit each others egg and the one that ends with an unbroken egg is the winner/lucky one :)
Kids looove this part too :)))


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