Showing posts with label Various. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Various. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Autumn is here!

I am not very active lately in this blog, but that doesn't mean that I am not cooking, though.
Autumn is a busy period for me, so please be patient for more dynamic posts :)
For the time being, just enjoy some photos of backstage while cooking...
The moto of the month, that can be adjusted to cooking, as basics are important, but so does creativity :

First, LEARN the RULES... 

then break them !

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hearts all over :)

Last week, passed with me making hearts all over my cooking for my dear ones :)
I am not fan of St. Valentine's day but I have a very dear friend Valentine that I profit to send her a virtual hug !
I can share some of my crazy ideas but chuuut, do not tell anyone, ok?
Recipes that were used are my Homeburgers and the mosaic cake covered with white chocolate.
A big kiss to my daughter that helped me with the cake and taught me new techniques in pastry!!!


Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

Happy New Year dear readers! 
May 2015 be a year full of health, creativity, passion and love...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Happy Birthday!

It's been exactly one year since I have started to blog here, one year of "Vivian is cooking"!

Happy birthday dear blog,
you can pass from crawling to walking little by little like babies now :) That explains the publicity part that was added.

Happy birthday with a mug cake (recipe will follow soon...). Come on in and share!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

1st of april or Poisson d'avril!

So, spring is here and in various countries they have weird ways to celebrate it.
In Greece, where I come from, we try to fool someone by saying a harmless lie. Being a person that I despise people that tell lies, the least to say, I do not like much this custom....
In France, where I actually live, that make "poisson d'avril" (april's fish) and kids try to fool someone by sticking a paper-fish in their back. I prefer this custom by far, not to say that I really enjoy it :)
Give me feedback from your country customs from 1st of April to change a bit from cooking today.
May a productive month is waiting ahead!

P.S: Fish generously provided by my personal artists, my kids ;)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Happy New Year dear readers :)

May 2014 is better than 2013...

May serendipity sustains creativity !
(my favorite wish for this year)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Xmas!

All the best to all of you! 

A big thanks to all the people out there from America, Australia, Africa, Asia, and of course Europe, that keep coming back to my blog and like my recipes ... 

Keep cooking! It makes quality of life much much better....


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer break!

It's been a very productive year, so it is time for a summer break!
Enjoy your vacations all of you out there and meet back again here from September with fresh ideas and passion for creativity :)