Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Spaghetti carbonara, excellent for debutant cookers!

Happy bday Carbonara!!! 80 years this year! (rumors say that it was invented in 1944 to use the american bacon) Here's how it is linked to our family history below ;)

When I met hubby, I was impressed; I did not know how to cook and he knew how to cook one recipe: Carbonara! No surprise, ages later, our son, picks up the same recipe to start his cooking career, although he is way more experienced in cooking than we were at his age :) In a busy day like today, he proposed to cook and my, I am soooo grateful!

So, find today the original italian recipe, that is excellent for beginners like students. I cheated adding a bit of cream although he insisted on not adding as in the original recipe, mea culpa ;)

As always, enjoy!  


500gr spaghetti pasta

150gr of bacon cut in slices

3 eggs

1/2 cup of freshly grated parmiggiano reggiano cheese

1/2 cup of fresh cream (optional, not needed in the original italian version)

salt, white pepper


  1. Boil spaghetti pasta following the package instructions (in salty boiling water) and when done strain but keep 1 cup of the boiling water.
  2. In parallel, fry in a big pan (that will eventually be added the pasta later on) the bacon slices until crispy (no need to add extra oil, it's fat is sufficient). Turn off the fire.
  3. Empty the pasta in the pan with the bacon and mix with 2 wooden spoons.
  4. In a bowl, whisk the eggs, add the grated cheese and the pepper and mix well. If you like the fresh cream, add it too.
  5. Pour the egg-cheese mix to the pan with the pasta and the bacon, turn on medium fire and stir for a minute or so everything, pouring little by little the 1/2 cup of the boiling water that you kept aside (if you did not use the cream, add the full cup of water). The sauce should end up creamy and mouthwatering :)  
Italians suggest to serve in warm bowls, so if you are perfectionist, use the special program in the oven for that and serve. Impossible to fail this recipe, that is for sure a smash!  

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