Showing posts with label original. Show all posts
Showing posts with label original. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Spaghetti carbonara, excellent for debutant cookers!

Happy bday Carbonara!!! 80 years this year! (rumors say that it was invented in 1944 to use the american bacon) Here's how it is linked to our family history below ;)

When I met hubby, I was impressed; I did not know how to cook and he knew how to cook one recipe: Carbonara! No surprise, ages later, our son, picks up the same recipe to start his cooking career, although he is way more experienced in cooking than we were at his age :) In a busy day like today, he proposed to cook and my, I am soooo grateful!

So, find today the original italian recipe, that is excellent for beginners like students. I cheated adding a bit of cream although he insisted on not adding as in the original recipe, mea culpa ;)

As always, enjoy!  

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Vivian's banana bread

Vivian's banana bread

 I am excited to experiment with banana breads lately and after my 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Authentic, traditional recipe of Moussaka!!!

The one and only, the king of all the dishes... finally in this blog: Moussaka! Not so simple recipe, I admit it, but still soooooOOOOO delicious!!!
As you can find various versions that circulate on the internet, find today the most classic recipe which is the traditional greek one that is cooked at a greek home. Do not expect though to find the exact same one in a restaurant, even in Greece, as it quite tiresome the procedure.
So, the next time that someone is inviting you and propose moussaka, take it as a big treat! Unless you decide to cook it yourself, that's the only way that you can try the real moussaka.
The moussaka in the photos has been done while running up and down to the school of my kids, so it is not the best that I have done, but the taste is still unbeatable :)
So, lesson no1: Do it a day that you have plenty of time ...
Actually, there are 2 versions of moussaka in Greece, one with several vegetables, like I am cooking today here, and the other one using only eggplants. My mother is using only eggplants, so for me this is the best one :) but in order to cover both cases I am showing the first version.