Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2024

Reminder recipe: Mascarone nutella cake!


When negative vibes arise, some chocolate and nutella can set them aside and make life look good again. Check one of the two versions of my mascarpone nutella cake, both wonderful:

Enjoy as always!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Anniversary Cake full of chocolate!

Looking for the perfect cake for a big anniversary full of chocolate and charm? Look no further, I got it up for you! For the 18 or 20 year of your child, your wedding anniversary, or any other big event of your life that you prefer baking by yourself instead of ordering something here's all you need (apart from tons of love for the celebrating person)...

PS: Special credits to my daughter and her friend that I gave them my kitchen and made this gorgeous cake. Having done all the cleaning, I deserve some credits too, no? ;) 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Vivian's banana bread

Vivian's banana bread

 I am excited to experiment with banana breads lately and after my 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Mascarpone - nutella cake

Here's an old recipe updated from a minimalistic cake to a gourmet one:

Chocolate cake with mascarpone & nutella filling

Just double the dose of the filling and use to cover and decorate it. As simple as that.

One of out favorite to celebrate among family new sucesses!


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ham and swiss cheese bread/cake

Having friends coming over? Looking for a fast meal? Are on a diet and instead of baking a sweet cake you came to your senses and decide to bake a salty one? Then this recipe is for you. Here we have just loved it! What's the secret ? The swiss cheese (aged Gruyere) that makes all the difference :)

Bake this salty cake that you can either cut in cubes and serve it with toothpicks as an aperitif or serve it with a salad and have a full and tasty meal! 

Other ideas: 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Coco-choco Banana Bread

You like banana breads? We do and I am full of inspirations those days, so after my vegan recipe, check my latest one: 

the Coco-Choco!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

VEGAN Banana bread-ilicious!


Banana bread

You like banana breads

You are vegan or you are looking for a recipe without eggs? 

You are looking for an excuse to try a new recipe?

Check the recipe that my daughter brought me some days ago. She had a 24-hour gym challenge for a good cause and someone made a delicious vegan banana bread that not many dared to try, for which she is so thankfull as she got an extra dose! She described it to me as the best banana bread in the world, and if you add that a friend was telling me recently that this is her favorite cake, you can imagine the rest :)