Showing posts with label Wine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wine. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2023

Stuffed mushrooms

Stuffed mushrooms!

Here's a nice idea for a starter to serve with some nice wine next to the fireplace. Just replace the wine with some softer non-alcoholic version for me :) like a scented water where you have let infused several citrus fruits (nice idea for a new recipe btw). 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ham and swiss cheese bread/cake

Having friends coming over? Looking for a fast meal? Are on a diet and instead of baking a sweet cake you came to your senses and decide to bake a salty one? Then this recipe is for you. Here we have just loved it! What's the secret ? The swiss cheese (aged Gruyere) that makes all the difference :)

Bake this salty cake that you can either cut in cubes and serve it with toothpicks as an aperitif or serve it with a salad and have a full and tasty meal! 

Other ideas: