Showing posts with label Nutella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nutella. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2024

Reminder recipe: Mascarone nutella cake!


When negative vibes arise, some chocolate and nutella can set them aside and make life look good again. Check one of the two versions of my mascarpone nutella cake, both wonderful:

Enjoy as always!

Friday, November 10, 2023

Mascarpone - nutella cake

Here's an old recipe updated from a minimalistic cake to a gourmet one:

Chocolate cake with mascarpone & nutella filling

Just double the dose of the filling and use to cover and decorate it. As simple as that.

One of out favorite to celebrate among family new sucesses!


Saturday, October 8, 2022


French breakfast to it's best! Waffles are called "gaufres" in french and if you have never tried them before or were looking for a basic recipe that it's easy and works very well, then try this one :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

St. Valentine's day

Want to find an excuse to try this
triple chocolate mousse cake?

How about St. Valentine's day ? (Indeed, it is today, 14 of February :)

Otherwise, anything with nutella will do!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

February 2 the day of crepes in France!

In France, February 2 (yesterday) is the day of crepes.
They call this day "Chandeleur" (Candlemas in english) and it is linked to religion (commemorate the purification of Virgin Mary and the presentation of baby Jesus)
but practically, people are making and consuming lots of crepes
You won't believe the amount of Nutella, and rest of ingerdients that are consumed those days.
As this is the weekend the closest to the Chandeleur, here's a recipe reminder to succeed your crepes and here is one for pancakes if you are too lazy for crepes :)
Happy Chandeleur!!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Nutellotti, the nutella cookies!

Who doesn't like Nutella? So, imagine a recipe full of Nutella in a form of cookies and only 3 ingredients... Nutellotti... Yummy! A popular recipe, that had to be in my blog too.
Thanks to my dear daughter, crazy in love with Nutella, we made together those marvelous cookies and ate them all in once!

Ingredients (only 3!)
180gr of Nutella
1 egg
150gr of flour for cakes

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Jam roll

Old time classic recipe coming straight from our youth... jam rolls!
Here's a fast & easy recipe to keep track in my blog. Thanks Vilma for reminding it to me!
I use strawberry jam here, but my dear friend Vilma brought one in our place for a bbq, a tasty one filled with Nutella ... hmmmm just gorgeous!!!
The result here is a fast prototyping, as I am busy and do not have the luxury for better photos or decoration... the essential is here though :)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Chocolate cake with mascarpone & nutella filling

[Update: Check the gourmet version too here: Mascarpone nutella cake]
Recently, I went to an italian restaurant and tried a cake that had some kind of nutella filling and I just loved it! Who can resist to Nutella anyway? If I add that it had also mascarpone, the same cheese that we use for my favorite Tiramisu, then you can imagine the rest ;)
Useless to say, that I searched immediately to find such a recipe and reproduce it at home :)
You know me, I cannot resist to deserts...
I dedicate this recipe, that I chose from all the stuff that I have found on the web, to my son's class and their teacher who is fan of my blog (I am honored) as I imagine that they would like it a lot and it's easy to prepare. Here it goes: