Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Mpougatsa, the greek custard pie!

Went to Greece for vacations and got addicted to mpougatsa for breakfast? Here's how to make it back home and extend your vacations a bit through food :)

Made with crusty fyllo and filled in with a custard cream made out of semolina is served dusted with icing sugar and cinnamon. It makes the perfect breakfast or anytime snack and why not as a dessert.


Custard cream:

1lt of milk

2/3 cup of sugar

2/3 cup of fine semolina



1 spoon of corn flour

1/3 cup of butter

2 eggs


10 layers of greek fyllo 

olive oil

icing sugar



  1. In a medium casserole, mix milk, sugar, semolina, vanilla, salt and the corn flour.
  2. Boil over medium fire while stirring constantly until ti gets thickened.
  3. Add the butter in slices to melt and take out of fire.
  4. In a bowl, whisk the eggs and incorporate them to the cream by mixing well. Let the custard aside.
  5. Pre-heat the oven to air and 180 degrees of celsius.
  6. Butter an oven tray, and add 5 layers of fyllo by oiling them slightly here and there and add them in a way that they hang outside of the tray all around like in photos.
  7. Add the cream in an homogeneous layer and cover with the parts of the fyllo that are hanging out of the tray.
  8. Continue in the same way with the other 5 layers of fyllo, this time just on top of each other.
  9. Bake for about 30min or until it gets a nice golden color.
  10. Take out of the oven and let it sit for 15min.
  11. Dust on top icing sugar and cinnamon and serve in rectangular pieces while still warm.

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