Vivian is not only cooking, she is also ... gardening! Actually, I love gardening and for me, I have told you already, is like cooking. You mix the ingredients and you wait for the result. In gardening, the ingredients are the plants, and the result is the flowers or the synthesis that comes up.
Few years ago, I started a project in my garden. I wanted to make a
free floral fence on one side of the garden, the most important actually, the part that our living room is looking at.
It took me almost 2 years of reading various books, web sites, blogs on gardening and designing how this fence should look like. And from time to time, we were going with my kids and buy a plant that we have finally decided to choose. It was a big time, as immediately after we were starting the planting part, which was a quite hard task (I have to admit that dear hubby was helping with the most difficult ones :) But we were so happy every time that we were adding one to our collection...
Last year, this project finally came at it's end, and this spring we can finally admire the results...