
Showing posts from April, 2015

Happy Greek Easter!

Too many things going on this period, so I missed lots of events linked to Greek Easter that was yesterday, but I have cooked quite a lot of stuff that are linked to it as you can see in my posts. So, with a day of delay, all my best wishes for a world with lots of love and much much less of wars and violence in general... Happy Greek Easter!  especially to my family and friends... that I think of you, even though we see each other once per year maybe.  Flower syntheses, offered to me from my precious daughter that has really a talent and borrowed from our beautiful garden.

"Tsoureki", the greek easter sweet bread!

[Updated 22/04/2019] I have now a marvelous recipe here : French brioche bread No recipe today (too tired :), just photos to show you my " tsourekia ", traditional greek easter sweet breads that are formed of braided strands of dough. Just google the name and you will find lots of recipes out there and next year I will give you mine ... For the time being, I am just telling you that they taste great and we have almost consumed all of them in half a day, imagine :)))) Just click on "More..." to enjoy more photos !

The muffins of the day!

These are the muffins of the day according to my recipe Vanilla muffins that is so easy to make and tasty too. The inspiration of the day was to add some sliced almonds on top and decorated with a lollipop as they are going to be sold in my kids' school to finance a field trip.... If you read this post on time, come and buy one before it is too late :)

Happy Easter, whatever that means to each one of you!

Dear readers of this blog, wherever you are around the globe or just next door ;) Happy Easter period! I will be coloring eggs , baking traditional easter cookies from Greece and celebrate with this fluffy and creamy pudding :) All the best, Vivian


Hubby loves Grissinis, so here's a reason to try to make them :) I have to admit that he likes the Greek version but I will try today the original ones from Torino...  that I like sooo much :) And with the remaining dough, I will make some nice small rounded breads, what do you say? Who does not like those crunchy delicate fluffy delicious thinny bread sticks? No excuses of not trying, as it is pretty easy...