
Showing posts from January, 2018

Nutellotti, the nutella cookies!

Who doesn't like Nutella? So, imagine a recipe full of Nutella in a form of cookies and only 3 ingredients... Nutellotti ... Yummy! A popular recipe, that had to be in my blog too. Thanks to my dear daughter, crazy in love with Nutella, we made together those marvelous cookies and ate them all in once! Ingredients (only 3!) 180gr of Nutella 1 egg 150gr of flour for cakes

Kurtos Kalacs or chimney cakes

This romanian pastry that is called Kurtos Kalacs , is often called in english chimney cakes . It's a fluffy yeast dough (similar to brioche) that is sweetened rolling them to a sugar and cinnamon mix, sometimes even in ground walnuts, and at old times used to be served in weddings. Nowdays, we can find them in small street kiosks that bake them in coal grills. Hubby tried them first in Prague on a trip for his work and came back telling that it was so soft and delicious that I would surely love it! I searched for the recipe on the web and indeed I found how to make them at home but eventually never tried them. It took me a couple of years until I would taste them in Budapest (I liked them so much that there was no day passing without eating at least two!!!) But still coming back home, I did not dare to try making them... until one evening, coming back home from a busy day, hubby had made them for me!!! That was a nice surprise :) So, here it is our homemade Kurtos based on th

French orangettes

Orangettes is a traditional french food gift during Xmas. It is actually candied orange peel stripes dipped in dark chocolate that if you like the combination of orange and chocolate you will get addicted to it! I would like to thank the teacher of a school that I am a volunteer that proposed me to help with doing them this year in order to finance the school trip of their class by selling them to a Christmas market. I have never done them before, so it was a challenge for me but also a heavy responsibility. So I had to make them first at home to be sure that I am well trained. End of year period is very busy so I did not have enough time to get nice photos but I did my best given the circumstances.   The result though was delicious !!!  but be prepared... it takes time too !!! I can share the recipe with you and here it is the original recipe that we were based on.

Happy 2018 !

Happy New Year to all ! Cook more, less war in this world ... How about starting the year by making this delicious french Epiphany cake (Galette des rois) ? I think that my 2018 version is the best that I have ever done :)