Showing posts with label apples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apples. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Happy Halloween!

What best to have fun ending of October than celebrating Halloween ?
Cooking, activities, decoration, colors... lots of ideas in the web! Just to keep track of what is in my blog let's recapitulate...

Have fun cooking butternut soups, halloween cookies, mini apple pies, Halloween fingers or just apple pie like this one, this one or this one.

Decorate your house entrance with jack-o-lanterns, following my son's short tutorial in the numbered photos (no1 is missing as it is about choosing your pumkin's face :)

Here's some fun finger food for Halloween: the Halloween fingers!

Or, make fake injuries with makeup and scare your friends (not my favorite though!) like this homemade one from my kids...

Whatever you prefer, just try to get with friends and/or family and have fun and enjoy life!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Milopitakia, greek mini apple pies or cookies

October, the month of apples!

That's why I decided to present you today a recipe that was missing from my blog and that I like a lot: milopitakia!

Milopitakia, in greek, means mini apple pies but they are actually more kind of apple-filled cookies to be more precise.

Whatever you call them, I am sure that you will like them once you taste them, so here it goes in order to have them for real at your place :)

They look gorgeous too, no?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Juicy" apple pie

Apples are a great ingredient when baking cakes, so find today one more way to enjoy them always with a cinnamon touch :)
Review with the occasion, all the other apple cakes of this blog like this Apple pie, or the apple cake with coconut crust and let me know which one you prefer more (given that you have baked them of course...).
Excellent cake for Autumn!!!

250gr butter
1 cup of sugar
5 eggs
2 cups of self-raising flour (you can replace some with almond powder btw)
2-3 apples (depending how much you like them :)
Some extra sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle on applesas well as ground walnuts