
Showing posts from June, 2013

We are the champions :)

I have been pretty busy lately with various things so I was not so often blogging here, but I would like to share with you one of the reasons :) My husband is a pilot and his club was organizing a treasure hunt and me with kids joined him in the team and guess what? we won THE FIRST PRIZE! So we celebrated the event with a bbq organized at the club and it"s only today that i got back into cooking doing pasticcio :)

Jello dessert, for summer parties!

Want a summer dessert? Then a jello dessert is what will freshen your summer parties :) It is easy, quite popular and very tasty... See how you can do it :

salmon "plaki"

"Plaki" is a way that in Greece we cook fish in the oven using tomatoes, onions and parlsey. We can use whatever fish we like, but here I am using salmon just because I found nice fresh salmon today that it's the favorite of my husband. It's a recipe that I strongly suggest to try, as it tastes great!

Spaghetti with shrimps

Typical summer dish, spaghetti with shrimps (garidomakaronada) is a popular choice during vacations like in a greek island. It's easy, fast and delicious!

Chicken soup

Chicken soup (kotosoupa in greek) is the soup that drives crazy my kids especially when their grandmother cook it, using a chicken brought from a friend of her village. It's a soup that warms your heart during cold winter days, when you are ill, or when you are a kid :) Some friends cook it using also vegetables, but I will give you today the original recipe, the way that my mother is cooking that I consider traditional greek, as she comes from a small village in the middle of Greece. I won't tell you that it was delicious today, as I was out of table salt and I added "gros sel"/large salt and apparently I added too much... imagine the result!


I will give you today, the recipe for one of my favorite summer pastry that drives crazy all kids and the ones young at heart :) It's a pastry that in Greece is made often at summer, and I haven't seen it in other countries, so I would call it again a traditional greek pastry, but maybe I am mistaken, so please give me feedback. It looks like a mosaic, usually it's in the form of a roll (but not the one I made in the photos) and it's made with biscuits (petit-beurre). It's so easy to make, that you can do it with your kids and you will consume it at no time !

Father's day!

Father's day today, and my son gave us his presents that made at school for both parents. I have posted here already my daughter's gifts and I promised I would come up with my sons, when I will receive them. It's my way to thank my kids and their teachers for their initiative. We both really loved them, THANKS! On top, some of you might be inspired for next year :)

Spinach rice (spanakoryzo)

Spinach rice is a nice dish that has lots of iron, fibers and if you add next to it some feta cheese and a fried egg, you will have proteins also! It's easy to make it and so tasty :) Here is how...

Meat with eggplants

Time for good eggplants is approaching and I will soon make a moussaka for my blog, as promised :) For the time being, here's today a delicious recipe with eggplants that I am sure that you will love and is again a traditional greek dish. It's a combination of veal with eggplants covered by a thick tomato sauce full of perfume and taste ... Enjoy! TIP: If you want to make this dish light, try to bake in the oven the vegetables with some olive oil instead of frying them.

Greek ravani (moist cake with semolina)

Ravani "Ravani" is a moist cake with syrup where we replace half of the flour with semolina. Used to be a traditional cake for special occasions in Greece and I would dare to say that it is still, at least in our home. Friends like it and so do kids, so what more to ask for? As it has an almost orange color, it could be a good candidate for Halloween cake if you add a personal touch on top :)