
Showing posts from February, 2016

Zucchini muffins

Remember the delicious zucchini balls that I have presented a long time ago? Discover today my personal touch to turn them to muffin-like starters in a xmas dinner that I have organized recently. They looked gorgeous and they tasted even better! Just try them... Procedure Use the same recipe for the filling and simply pastry dough (cut in disks) and assemble them in a muffins tray.  Sprinkle on top with some yellow cheese.  Bake for about 30min at 180 degrees of Celsius and fan.

Butternut squash soup

Comforting food today, one of my favorite soups, the butternut squash soup . I did not have big pumpkin seeds to decorate at the end, as a friend does and it's so yummy, so enjoy our homemade funny faces using sour cream :)