
Showing posts from October, 2022

Portokalopita, the greek orange cake!

Years ago, when I have visited the greek island of Leros, a kind lady gave me the recipe of "patsavouropita" - a typical desert of their island. I made it immediately when I have returned home but at some point with time, I've lost the recipe, which I regret. Much later on, a similar cake "portokalopita" became very popular in Greece. Often tourists taste it at the end of a dinner at a restaurant or taverna as a treat and they just love it!  I profit from this revival to gather various recipes from family, friends and online (thank you all!) and end up with my own. Here's my favorite that thanks to my blog I will keep for the years to come and I will pass it to my children :) 


French breakfast to it's best! Waffles are called "gaufres" in french and if you have never tried them before or were looking for a basic recipe that it's easy and works very well, then try this one :)

Greek Ekmek kadaifi (with custard and whipped cream)

An easy (don't be scared of the lengthy descriptions :) and mouthwatering sweet full of syrup and oriental spices that you will find in lots of countries. Find here the Greek version that uses walnuts and mostly western creams like custard and whipped creams. Try it and I promise, that the house will be full of smells afterwards and it would be difficult to stop at only one piece! (Note: Kadaifi is an oriental dough that looks like thin spaghetti)